SpyParty Wiki

SpyParty player coocoofroggy/steam did some helpful investigation on how to get the game (both the spyparty.com and steam versions) working on modern versions of macOS.

Website purchase version HOWTO:[]

1. Simply download PlayOnMac (https://www.playonmac.com/en/) and the Spy Party setup exe (for windows! not Mac) from the website (https://secure.spyparty.com/beta/download-latest.php).

2. Open PlayOnMac > Install a program > Install a non listed program

  • "Install a program in a new virtual drive"
  • Name it anything (I did "spyparty")
  • Leave everything unchecked
  • 32 bit installation
  • Gecko? I clicked yes, I don't think it matters
  • Browse, select your Spy Party installer .exe

3. Finish the installation wizard as normal

  • When prompted, add the spyparty.exe shortcut to play easily, name it whatever you want

4. Click your spy party shortcut from PlayOnMac to run the game! Runs as smooth as on Windows.

If your mouse doesn't move the camera/sniper[]

  • Open the game, right click the game's icon in the dock > options > show in finder
  • Open System Preferences > Security and Privacy > Privacy > Accessibility
  • Drag in the application that you found in the first step into the list in System Preferences

If you want to be able to open Spy Party with one click:[]

  • Right click the Spy Party clover on your desktop and click show package contents
  • Contents > MacOS > right click "playonmac" and choose 'make alias'
  • Put the alias on your desktop or dock or wherever you want to launch it from

Find replays through macOS's Finder (since ctrl-O opens the virtual explorer)[]

  • Open Finder, do ⌘-Shift-G
  • In the window that opens, paste this:
~/Library/PlayOnMac/wineprefix/<DRIVE NAME FROM STEP 2>/drive_c/users/crossover/Local Settings/Application Data/SpyParty/replays

Replace <DRIVE NAME FROM STEP 2> with your drive name.

Hit enter to get to the replays folder!

Steam HOWTO:[]

1. Download PlayOnMac (https://www.playonmac.com/en/).

2. Open PlayOnMac > Install a program > Search for Steam. Click Install at the bottom right

  • Keep clicking Next + Install
  • I believe you need Gecko so click yes if it asks.
  • Once done, Steam should launch (or you can launch manually from PlayOnMac home screen)

3. Let Steam update. If it says Steam crashed after install, just close the crash window.

4. Close Steam (right click the steam icon in your dock and click 'Quit')

5. Click Steam on the PlayOnMac home screen, then click "Configure"

  • Go the first tab labeled "General"
  • Next to the "Arguments" label, paste this (so that Steam's library will appear correctly):
-allosarches -cef-force-32bit

6. Run Steam again, and log into your account that owns Spy Party

7. Go to the Library tab and install Spy Party.

8. Launch Spy Party through Steam once done!

If your mouse doesn't move the camera/sniper:[]

  • Open the game, right click the game's icon in the dock > options > show in finder
  • Open system prefs > security and privacy > privacy > accessibility
  • Drag in the application that you found in 9a into the list in 9b

Find replays through macOS's Finder (since ctrl-O opens the virtual explorer)[]

  • Open Finder, do ⌘-Shift-G
  • In the window that opens, paste this:
~/Library/PlayOnMac/wineprefix/Steam/drive_c/users/crossover/Local Settings/Application Data/SpyParty/replays 
  • Hit enter. You're now in the replays folder!